4 Ways to Choose the Best Direct-to-Consumer (D2C) Service Providers


The supply of business services to modern customers has taken a turn in recent days, and it's all for the consumer's benefit. Typically, the objective is to bring the services close to the consumer so that they can enjoy content easily. Consumers do not need large-capacity hard drives or storage devices to access the content they love. On the contrary, they only have to pay an affordable fee and access a range of content that will suit their specific entertainment and educational needs. The challenge is to find a direct-to-consumer service provider that will meet their specific needs. Here is how to do it:

There Is a Subscription-based Model

The first thing to consider when looking for a D2C provider is a subscription-based model. This allows for an automated deduction of the payment you are making to get the content you want. In most cases, the benefit of a subscription-based model is reduced prices for a long-term subscription. The best service providers will give you a reasonable discount for quarterly, semi-annual or annual content services. This saves you money compared to making impromptu payments.

There Is a "Content First" Approach

When looking for a D2C service provider, go for someone who prioritises the content you want. If they have advertisements and other interruptions in-between your content, the provider should let you know beforehand. That should also come with the option to pay for premium and uninterrupted content. Additionally, the provider should have a way to get feedback from you. This helps them serve you better by getting recommendations of the content you want.

Easy Offers With No Return Penalties

Good D2C providers shouldn't trap you in a service with penalties or fines when you want to opt out. Instead, they should allow you to opt out without incurring any charges. Free trial period and payment grace periods are examples of the strategies used by good service providers to make you sign up for the service. When the grace period expires, the D2C provider sends you a reminder to continue the service or opt out of it. They should not assume that you want to continue at the end of the grace period.

Simplified Choices for Customers

You don't want to work with a D2C provider who bombards you with too much information. The products available should be categorised properly to help you find what you need within the shortest period. For instance, a D2C provider selling books should categorise them well to help you get what you want fast.  

If you want to provide direct-to-consumer services, contact a direct-to-consumer consulting company for assistance.


2 February 2021

Big Business Ideas

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